AKB-1733 MFG #: 1733
$0.00 /
  • Best Seller: False
  • Dangerous Goods: False
  • Discontinued: False
  • Featured Product: False
  • Green Product: False
  • Limited Quantity: False
  • Made in Canada: False
  • Manufacturer: AKRON BRASS COMPANY
  • Mfr Vendor ID: 1126
  • Oversize product: False
  • Restricted Delivery: False
  • SPF Product ID: 3677082
  • Web Group: 5170804000000
The Turbojet is a constant gallonage nozzle (flow remains the same in all patterns) with multiple flow settings for operator flow control. Use the Turbojet one time and see why it's the nozzle of choice by firefighters worldwide.

High-Range Turbojet Nozzles Features:
● Pattern Identification
● Larger more legible labels
● Simple to operate (1/4 turn from straight stream to fog)
● Raised lug marks straight stream for limited visibility operations
● Easy to service & repair
● Flow setting up to 250 GPM (950 LPM) at 100 psi (& bar) standard, 75 psi (5 bar) optional
● Compatible with Quick-Attack Foam Tube Style 770
● Replacement for style 1725 Turbojet nozzle