Privacy Policy
We respect the privacy of everyindividual who visits our website. We take rigorous measures to preserve theprivacy and confidentiality of personal information present on this site.
As a leader in the distribution of electrical materials, plumbing supplies, industrial supplies, as well as safety products and equipment for residential, commercial, and industrial building markets, Guillevin International Co must collect personal information from employees, customers, and other individuals to conduct its business, maintain records, and provide benefits and services to these individuals.
Purpose of Our Policy
To regulate the collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable information of employees, customers, or other individuals, and to ensure compliance with privacy protection laws.
The collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by our company are governed by the following principles:
Guillevin International Co adopts a governance framework affirming its responsibility for the protection of personal information, involving all human resources. The company is committed to adhering to this framework in all its operations.
Purpose Determination for Data Collection
The specific purposes for which personal information is collected and used will be clearly identified and explained to the individual, preferably in writing, at the time the information is collected or beforehand. Guillevin International Co may use personal information to:
Identify customers, suppliers, and other third parties with whom itconducts business and to establish and maintain a relationship with them.
Provide regular service to customers, including processing orders, ensuring accurate delivery, and better assisting customers when they visit or contact Guillevin International Co.
Improve its product and service offerings.
Provide Guillevin International Co customers with information about other products and services offered by Guillevin International Co that may be of interest.
Protect against errors and fraud.
Comply with legal and audit requirements.
Generate statistics to advance Guillevin International Co's business interests (these statistics do not contain any information that could individually identify a customer, supplier, or other third parties with whom Guillevin International Co does business).
Apply for a position with Guillevin International Co or when your application is submitted by a placement agency with your consent or during the recruitment process, including assessments, reference checks or background and credit checks.
Guillevin International Co may also automatically collect certain personal information when you access our website (your IP address, device type, operating system, browsing behavior, among others, visited pages, time spent on the page, the browser type and language).
We use cookies to improve your browsing experience on our website. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies.
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user’s computer or mobile device when they visit a website. Cookies can also be present in the form of a pixel or HTML file. Cookies are used to store information about userpreferences, language choices, login information, and browsing data.
Please note that we only collect data that helps us achieve the purpose sstated in this privacy policy. We will not collect additional data without informing you in advance.
By providing personal information to Guillevin International Co or its divisions, affiliated companies, and subsidiaries(collectively referred to as "Guillevin International Co"), you agree that Guillevin International Co may collect, use, and disclose this personal information in accordance with the terms of the privacy policy and as permitted or required by law. Subject to legal and contractual requirements, you may refuse or withdraw your consent to this collection for stated purposes by making a request to Guillevin International Co's data privacy officer. If you refuse or withdraw your consent, Guillevin International Co may no longer be able to provide, or continue to provide, products and services to you. If you wish to /withdraw your consent, you may be required to provide acceptable identification to Guillevin International Co. If you provide Guillevin International Co within formation about another person, you declare that you have all necessary authority or have obtained all necessary consents from that person to allow Guillevin International Co to collect, use, and disclose that personal information. Guillevin International Co's privacy policy does not apply to information exempt from thedefinition of "personal information" in the privacy protection regulations applicable (e.g., the Personal Information Protection andElectronic Documents Act).
Limitation of Data Collection
Guillevin International Co commits to collecting only personal information necessary for determined legitimate purposes. Information collection must be done honestly and lawfully. This means that Guillevin International Co will never collect personal information in a misleading manner or that misleads people about the intended purposes.
Limitation of Use, Communication, and Retention
Personal information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the individual's consent or as required by law. Guillevin International Co may disclose your personal information to comply with a search warrant or other legally justified request or order, or to respond to an investigative body in the case of a breach of an agreement or violation of the law. Guillevin International Co may also disclose personal information to enable it to recoverone of your debts.
Some products and services provided through Guillevin International Co may be provided by third parties in collaboration with Guillevin International Co. In order to provide you with the products or services you request, we may have to transmit information about you to these third parties.
If Guillevin International Co transmits personal information to third parties for processing on behalf of Guillevin International Co, a contract outlining appropriate privacy protection mechanisms will be put in place before the information is communicated to the third party. In addition, the use of certain products provided by third parties to purchase products or services from Guillevin International Co (such as a credit card not issued by Guillevin International Co) may require Guillevin International Co to disclose your personal information to the third party providing that product to process the transaction. In the event that all or part of Guillevin International Co's assets are sold or financed, or in the case of a merger between Guillevin International Co and another businessentity, the personal information in Guillevin International Co's possession maybe disclosed to the lender, buyer, or partner involved in the merger, provided that all parties use this personal information in strict compliance with Guillevin International Co's privacy policy. We will not exchange, rent, or sell your personal information to a third party without informing you and obtaining your consent. Guillevin International Co retains collected information only as longas necessary for the stated purposes or as required by law. They must then be securely destroyed to ensure their confidentiality.
Personal information and its disclosure will be as accurate, complete, and up to date as necessary for the intended use.
Security Measures
Personal information, regardless of the form in which it is stored, will be safeguarded by appropriate security measures, including physical safeguards, technological tools, and official controls, to protect against loss, theft, or unauthorized access. Access to personal information will only be authorized in cases of absolute necessity.
Individuals from whom we collect information will be informed that Guillevin International Co has policies and practices in place to manage this information securely.
Access to Personal Information
Upon request, and no later than thirty days following the request, an individual will be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of their personal information and will have access to this information, except in certain limited circumstances. You may update or correct your personal information in Guillevin International Co's possession by sending a written request to the Guillevin International Co profit center with which you do business or to the data privacy officer. You may be required to provide acceptable identification to Guillevin International Co and acceptable proof to Guillevin International Co of the accuracy of the requested update or correction. The data privacy officer will be kept informed of all disputes of this nature.
Complaints Regarding Non-compliance with Principles
You may file a complaint regarding the adherence to the above principles with the data privacy officer. They will investigate the complaint, inform you of the results, and rectify any compliance issues found.
The vice-president and chief financial officer is the data privacy officer and oversees the administration of this policy and the development of Guillevin International Co's information collection and processing practices.
Modification of Privacy Policy
Guillevin International Co reserves the right to modify or supplement the privacy policy at any time. If we modify this privacy policy, we will post the changes on our website and make the revised policy and changes available to the data privacy officer upon request.
Data Privacy Officer Contact Information
Christian Roy, Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
6555 Metropolitan Blvd East, Suite 301
St-Leonard, Quebec H1P 3H3  

Phone: 514-955-2111