
*Please call to confirm date & register for course: 780-396-1005

**Training calendars are subject to change

***Please note, all courses begin at 8:00am. Students are asked to come to class by 7:45am with indoor shoes and appropriate clothing for ease of movement for any required skills. Snacks are allowed for students to bring, being considerate of any allergies people may have. Coffee, tea, and water are provided.

BLS CPR (Prestataire de soins de santé) $105.00

Le cours de RCP BLS s'adresse aux personnes qui travaillent ou prévoient de travailler dans le domaine de la santé et qui ont besoin du niveau de RCP de fournisseur de soins de santé. Le cours comprend toutes les compétences en matière de RCP ainsi que des compétences avancées telles que la respiration artificielle et l'utilisation de masques à valve, de masques de poche, les compétences d'un secouriste et de deux secouristes pour l'adulte, l'enfant et le nourrisson, et la formation au DEA. Âge minimum : 16 ans

Taille de la classe: 12 au maximum (10 au minimum en dehors de la ville)

Certificats de remplacement:  Émise par l'Ambulance St-John 1-800-665-7114

SFA/C/AED Défi de recertification $175.00

Le cours de RCP BLS s'adresse aux personnes qui travaillent ou prévoient de travailler dans le domaine de la santé et qui ont besoin du niveau de RCP de fournisseur de soins de santé. Le cours comprend toutes les compétences en matière de RCP ainsi que des compétences avancées telles que la respiration artificielle et l'utilisation de masques à valve, de masques de poche, les compétences d'un secouriste et de deux secouristes pour l'adulte, l'enfant et le nourrisson, et la formation au DEA. Âge minimum : 16 ans

Taille de la classe: 12 au maximum (10 au minimum en dehors de la ville)

Certificats de remplacement:  Émise par l'Ambulance St-John 1-800-665-7114

Intermediate First Aid Renewal $175.00

A current certification is required to do the 1 day recertification and you must bring it with you to class. Pre-reading of the material in the book is mandatory as the exam will be given first thing in the morning. A 70% achieved will allow you to stay and complete the skills and receive your new certificate.

This course meets CSA and OHS standards for workplace.

Class Size: Max 18 (Min 10 out of town)

Replacement Certificates: Issued from St. John Ambulance 1-800-665-7114

Blended Intermediate First Aid CPR C AED $175.00

The Blended First Aid Program is for either people who have not taken First Aid before or if your certification has expired. Half is taken online and half is done in the classroom. Contact the branch to receive the link for the online portion. When complete, you can book for the one-day, in-person portion of the course. The exam will be done first thing in the morning, if 70% is achieved you will stay to complete your skills and receive a certificate.

Course Topics Include:

  • CPR for adults, children, and infants
  • Using AEDs
  • Choking and breathing emergencies
  • Mental health first aid
  • Opioid overdose awareness
  • Bleeding and burn management
  • Bone, muscle, and joint injuries
  • Environmental emergencies

When the participant has completed the online theory portion they will need to book into a skill assessment day within 60 days and write the exam with 70% required to pass.

Replacement Certificates: Issued from St. John Ambulance 1-800-665-7114

Protection contre les chutes $175.00

Ce programme d'une journée destiné aux utilisateurs finaux industriels et commerciaux vous permettra de comprendre l'utilisation de la protection contre les chutes, dans le cadre de vos activités en hauteur. Il existe différentes options de protection contre les chutes ; ce cours identifiera les options qui répondent le mieux à vos besoins et vous donnera les outils et les connaissances nécessaires pour travailler en hauteur en toute sécurité. Le contenu du cours est présenté de manière énergique sur une journée complète qui comprend des activités pratiques, une analyse vidéo et met l'accent sur la participation de l'étudiant. Le cours est dispensé par l'un de nos instructeurs hautement qualifiés. 

Les thèmes du cours comprennent:

  • Statistiques sur les accidents de chute, calculs de dégagement et de chute libre
  • Organes directeurs et réglementations
  • Dynamique de la chute, traumatismes dus à la suspension et principes de sauvetage
  • Systèmes de protection contre les chutes et planification 
  • Composants des systèmes d'arrêt des chutes 
  • Ajustement du harnais (y compris exercice pratique de suspension) 
  • Solutions spécialisées
  • Entretien et inspection de l'équipement (y compris exercice pratique)

Taille de la classe​​​​​​​: Max 16 (Min 10 en dehors de la ville)

Certificats de remplacement: Contacter l'instructeur

Confined Space Entry/Monitor with Basic Rescue $185.00

Confined space work involves some of the most critical hazards in the oil and gas industry. This course is offered online or in classroom through the Energy Safety Canada Authorized Training Provider (ATP) network. This training teaches participants to identify, understand and mitigate the potential hazards of working in restricted and confined spaces.

Course Topics Include:

  • Roles and responsibilities of workers, supervisors, managers and confined space monitors
  • OH&S legislated standards
  • Code of Practice and requirements for developing one
  • Identification and classification of restricted and confined spaces
  • Requirements for working in or around restricted and confined spaces
  • Hazard assessment and control methods for restricted and confined spaces
  • Entry planning and permitting
  • Atmospheric testing
  • Signage and tagging
  • Emergency response

This course will be delivered in a classroom setting and includes a written exam.

Class Size: Max 20 (Energy Safety Canada Course)

H2S Alive (Energy Safety Canada) $160.00

The H2S Alive course is safety training for individuals working in the petroleum industry who could be exposed to hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Course topics include:

Course Topics Include:

  • Physical properties and health hazards of H2S
  • Hazard assessments
  • Breathing apparatus
  • Detection of H2S
  • Basic rescue procedures

Class Size: Max 20 (Min 10 out of town)

Replacement Certificates: Issued from Energy Safety Canada 1-800-667-5557


Student will need to go to the Energy Safety Canada website and register with a current H2S certificate for the theory portion of the course, upon successful completion of the online theory exam with a minimum score of 70%, students will be eligible to complete the skills assessment through an Authorized Training Provider. Successful completion of the skills assessment will result in a Certificate of Completion that is valid for three years. Should a student be unsuccessful in either the online theory or skills assessment on the first attempt, they will be required to attend classroom delivery of H2S Alive to achieve their certification

After completing the online portion, students have 90 days to complete the skills assessment through an ATP in order to be certified.

Replacement Certificates: Issued from Energy Safety Canada 1-800-667-5557

Detection and Control of Flammable Substances (Energy Safety Canada) $160.00

Gain an understanding on how to safely monitor, assess hazards and control flammable substances through lectures, demonstrations and hands-on practice.

This course is designed for personnel who may need to undertake monitoring of potentially hazardous atmospheres in the workplace while working in the oil and gas industry.

Course Topics Include:

  • Introduction to flammable substances
  • Principles of flammable gas/vapor
  • Care and preparation of combustible gas monitors
  • Sampling strategies and interpretation of monitor readings
  • Control methods for high combustible gas readings

Class Size: Max 20 (Min 10 out of town)

Replacement Certificates: Issued from Energy Safety Canada 1-800-667-5557

Ground Disturbance Level II (Global) $175.00

Level II® is designed for any party that is supervising a ground disturbance, independently performing a ground disturbance, or issuing and receiving ground disturbance permits.

The program ensures that Level II® personnel are familiar with, and fully understand, all the regulations and variances involved when a ground disturbance takes place. The course is presented in a logical sequence – from the pre-planning stage to the actual dig – and highlights the “‘must’s” compared to the “should’s”.

Level II® is the standardized program recognized by industry regulators.

Course Topics Include:

  • Participants learn how to clarify sources when searching for underground facilities, provide notification to the facility owner and receive owner notification.
  • Participants gain an understanding of the necessary approvals/crossing agreements and regulations necessary before creating a ground disturbance.
  • They learn to create a plot plan/site drawing, gain an understanding of line locating and learn about types of exposure.
  • Participants will also learn how to do a back-fill inspection, as well as how to use permits and conduct pre-job meetings.
  • Emergency response plans and what to do in case an underground facility is contacted are also covered.

Objectives are tested by written competency exam. Certification, valid for three years, is issued upon completion of objectives. This course is assessed to the USP Standard 201 Ground Disturbance - Supervisory.

Class Size: Max 20 (Min 10 out of town)

Replacement Certificates: Issued from Global 403-934-5046

CSO (Common Safety Orientation) (Energy Safety Canada) $80.00

The Common Safety Orientation (CSO) is intended for new workers in the oil and gas industry. With content that is driven and endorsed by industry, the CSO provides consistent safety messaging that clearly explains safe work practices and eliminates the need for redundant general orientation training.

Course Topics Include:

  • Personal accountability for a safe work environment
  • Arriving ready to work
  • Major hazards in the oil and gas industry
  • The Life Saving Rules
  • Worksite maintenance
  • Emergency preparedness and response procedures
  • Reporting incidents and near misses
  • Safe work communications
  • Contributing to a respectful workplace

Objectives are tested by written competency exam. Certification, valid for three years, is issued upon completion of objectives.

Class Size: Max 20 (Min 10 out of town)

Replacement Certificates: Issued from Energy Safety Canada 1-800-667-5557

Fire Extinguisher Training $155.00

History of the fire extinguisher, proper procedures for fighting/extinguishing a fire, hands on training using Drager Tutor system and CO2 extinguishers, chemistry of fire, the different classes of fire extinguishers, fire extinguisher inspection & maintenance, classroom and hands on training.

  • NO MESS! (CO2 or H2O extinguishers)
  • Live fire with Draeger Tutor system – 1,200,000 BTU of live fire
  • Classroom/hands on training

Class Size: Max 20 (Min 10 out of town)