ENE-357BPZ MFG #: 357BPZ
  • Best Seller: False
  • Dangerous Goods: False
  • Discontinued: False
  • Featured Product: False
  • Green Product: False
  • Limited Quantity: False
  • Made in Canada: False
  • Manufacturer: ENERGIZER CANADA INC.
  • Manufacturer Category: ENERGIZER
  • Manufacturer Product Code: E1095900
  • Mfr Vendor ID: 130
  • Oversize product: False
  • Restricted Delivery: False
  • SPF Product ID: 1005923
  • Unit of Measure: E
  • UPC: 039800109590
  • Web Group: 3160106000000

Energizer Silver Oxide (Zn/Ag²O)

  • The silver oxide/zinc alkaline primary battery is the predominate system
    of the miniature battery product line.

  • It typically can be used in watches, calculators, photoelectric exposure
    devices, hearing aids, and electronic instruments. Its general characteristics